Is My Stuff In Storage Insured?
3 min read · November 29, 2022

We don’t like to think of these things, but they can and do happen. And your local storage facility isn’t immune.

So, how do you keep your items as safe as possible? And how is it insured?

Your Homeowner’s Or Rental Policy

First, the good news: if you have a current homeowner’s or rental insurance policy, your things in storage are likely covered! You don’t have to do anything special, either.

But, the coverage your items in storage have has the same limitations as your current policy. That means, your items are likely covered from:

  • Hurricanes, tornadoes, and lightning
  • Fire and smoke damage
  • Wind and hail
  • Theft and vandalism
  • Snow and ice weight
  • Explosions, falling objects</p>

But, your items likely aren’t covered from:

  • Flooding
  • Vermin, rodents, and animals
  • Poor maintenance
  • Mold and mildew

Second, while most homeowner’s and renter’s policies include what’s called “off-premises coverage,” that coverage is typically only 10% of the personal items coverage for property at your home. So if your policy will pay you up to $10,000 to replace personal items, that amount will be only up to $1,000 for your storage unit.

Before you sign a storage agreement, you may want to read over your policy or give your insurance agent a call, just to be clear on your policy limitations. Your insurance agent may be able to help you to get more coverage, too.

What If I Don’t Have A Policy?

Before you can sign a storage agreement, the storage facility will likely make sure you do have insurance. Generally, that means providing a copy of your current homeowner’s or rental policy.

But what if you don’t have a policy? Your storage facility probably offers their own policies to cover loss or damage to your items. You may even be required to purchase a policy if you cannot provide insurance.

Whether required or not, you should make sure you have insurance for your items in storage.

Other Ways To Keep Safe

Even if you have an insurance policy, hopefully you’ll never have to use it! How can you keep your belongings safe?

  • Know what items are in storage. Complete a clear and detailed inventory of your items going into storage. Take pictures of any high-value items to note serial numbers and condition.
  • Make sure your facility is secure. The best facilities are well-fenced, have 24-hour video surveillance, and require security codes to access units.
  • Check natural disaster protection. What are your facility’s procedures in case of fire? How do they protect against flooding?

Find A Safe Storage Facility Near You!

Take a look on our website to find a safe, secure storage facility near you!
