Car Storage


If you’re like Jerry Seinfeld and own 47 Porsches, chances are you’ll also have a $1.4 million garage. But if you’re just a regular Joe, you probably have two cars and a one-car garage (or if you’re really unfortunate, one car that involves fighting for street parking every night). So whether you’ve decided to store multiple high-performance sports cars or just one beat-up sedan, you’re going to need a safe, cost-effective, and convenient solution.

Hey, what do you know? Cheap Storage Units is that solution! We have a searchable online database that makes it super easy to locate nearby self storage facilities that offer units specifically for car storage—simply type in your city or ZIP code in the search bar below and voila! Whether you need to store your automobile for just a few weeks or while you’re enjoying a longer vacation on the exotic Island of Alcatraz, car self storage is the best answer.

Depending on your automotive (and, let’s face it, emotional) needs, you can rent a basic storage unit, an outdoor unit or, if your Seinfeldian collection includes vintage and classic cars, a self storage unit with the highest level of security and protection from the elements. With 2.5 billion square feet of rentable self storage space in America, your chances of finding a storage facility near to your home, work or comedy lounge is pretty much guaranteed!


It’s not enough to just roll your tricked up truck, American hotrod, or Smartcar into storage, attach your padlock, and then expect it to be in pristine condition when you return from your stint at Chez Alcatraz. Follow these basic rules before putting your vehicle into car self storage:

  • Vehicles must be in drivable condition, so don’t plan on towing it into the unit. Remember to release the parking brake so that the brake pads don’t become one with the rotors. Stick blocks under the wheels if you rented the cheap unit that’s on an incline.
  • Change the oil, filter, brake fluid, and coolant to avoid damage to the engine from corrosion or oxidization. Unless this is your ex-spouse’s car. Then do whatever you want to it.
  • Fill ‘er up! With gas, that is. This will absorb any moisture and prevent the tank from rusting. For storage longer than two months add fuel stabilizer, too.
  • Inflate the tires and ensure that they’re in good shape. If you don’t know what “good shape” means, just give them a confident kick (but only when other men are looking; otherwise, consult a Tires For Dummies book).
  • Remove the windshield wipers because rubber sticks to glass like that childhood phrase "I'm rubber you're glue, whatever you say bounces off of me and sticks to you!"
  • Don’t even think of using the storage unit as your own personal autobody shop (so you’d better cancel those business cards with the storage facility’s address on it).
  • Disconnect the battery if you’re storing the car for longer than two weeks. If possible, have a friend pop over to your unit and drive the car for about 15 minutes twice a month to preserve the battery and keep the car engine lubricated.
  • Invest in a car cover to avoid dust and dirt from harming the engine, tires, and exterior. It will also make it harder for bugs and rodents from setting up camp in your tail pipe or undercarriage.


What documentation is required?

You’ll need to bring in two documents to rent a car storage unit: a government-issued ID like your driver’s license or passport, and your vehicle registration and insurance (ok, so three documents). If you want to present your Classic Car Club membership card, too, go right ahead, but only if you’re okay with the storage facility manager rolling his eyes at you.

If you don’t pay up, you can kiss your Porsche Boxster goodbye because the storage facility can, by law, auction off your stored items. If you’re lucky, you might see your cars on an episode of Pimp My Ride.

What happens if you pay your rent late?

At most self storage facilities your rent is considered late anywhere between 5 and 30 days after the first of the month. Once you default on your rent, the storage facility manager will lock you out of your storage unit, call you, and send you a letter. If you pay up, you’ll get your unit back.

If you don’t pay up, you can kiss your Virgin Mary-embossed grilled cheese sandwich, designer fanny packs, and 8-track player goodbye because the storage facility can, by law, auction off your stored items. If you’re lucky, you might see your stuff on an episode of Storage Wars.

What are the chances of being locked out of my storage unit?

Only if you forget your key, show up at the wrong storage facility or it’s the middle of the night.


If you have to ask this question, perhaps you’d be better off with a bicycle or the Uber app. But since you are asking, here’s who needs this type of storage:
  • people who own cars but not garages
  • Jerry Seinfeld
  • newly convicted prisoners whose relatives can’t be trusted to car-sit their ’77 Cadillac
  • auto enthusiasts who want to protect their souped-up Mustang from the elements
  • lucky ducks who get to go on long vacations
  • anyone kind enough to “take care of” a soon-to-be ex-spouse’s car


Just to make it absolutely clear, people who do not need this type of storage include:
  • bicyclists, skateboarders, Uber riders, those crazy people who jet around on hoverboards
  • car owners with garages that are not being used to store their entire wardrobe, record collection and toys from their childhood
  • anyone who sees damage to their vintage cars as a challenge